Friday, March 12, 2010

New Tires Maybe

I am debating new tires for the truck, but I can't justify $450 for my
truck I only paid $1000 for lol. Maybe I can find some newer tires, but
then again I won't have to worry about tires if I get new tires. Maybe
geoff has some tires from his pile for his house?


  1. On your trip Just make sure you have at least two good spare tires,fix aflat,Water a must 5 to 10 gallons for drinking and if you need some for your radiator too,(oh yeah, don't forget your tire jack,star wrench,blankets lighter or matches,news paper(to burn)some can food,(with a can opener)TeePee, and on long trips eat very light(but eat)Eat Light meals so you don't relax on the wheel.Hand tools, then just get here or there...(montello that is).Did I mention to check your engine oil, tranny fluid level, And carry extra of both,oh yeah wind shield washer fluid too. And make Very Sure You Carry a Big Stick. And keep your cell phone handy in case you break down, Keep all of us posted as to your where abouts too. ok thats enough of me now...

  2. Try the tirerack really good prices
