Monday, February 8, 2010

Good News Bad News

Good news, I found a storage container company that will rent me a container for $70 a month, $500 total to haul it there.

Semi bad news, wont just let me rent to own, its either pay cash for it, plus shipping or rent it by the month infinite amount of time. If I only use it to store my stuff, and sleep in, I really think its a good deal.

The really bad news is, can a semi truck make it down the road to my land and drop it off where I wish to have it dropped off at. If that is a guaranteed answer, I would def jump on the deal.

Even at $70 a month to rent it, that makes that and my land only $210 a month. Way less then the rent I pay now. Plus I wouldn't have to keep payng storage here to store my supplies I have already.

I wasn't really planning to modifying the cargo container if I bought one, I like the whole concept of just closing the door, and the security that affords.


  1. Brian, is this a 40ft container your thinking of getting? And how far back is your land from the hiway?
