Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tar paper shack

Saw a political debate where the guy claimed he grew up in a tar paper shack. While researching what the heck it was i found a cement wall plans. Many different buildings will be on my nevada land very soon..

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10 acres or 20 acres for sale

I just got a surprise from my mortgage company. They gave me an extra 20 acres. Im looking to sell either 10 acres or 20 acres. Monthly payments would be $145 for 10 acres or $200 for 20 acres. Let ne know asap.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

News from Flick Fishing

I just caught a 7.73lb Catfish in Flick Fishing! See if you can do better!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

$5 rabbit or chicken cage

Was at an auction and got a $5 rabbit or chicken cage.. Sure its homemade but it looks solid and good.. Will be perfect in nevada

Hawaii land for sale

I have 5 acres in hawaii $299 a month